The team were invited to attend the opening of Royston Leisure Centre's brand new outdoor gym equipment for FREE use by the local community.
They will also be running classes with an instructor for a boot camp style workout. Classes can be booked by Members and non- members via the SSL App or direct with the Leisure Centre and will run on Mondays at 5.30pm and Fridays at 9.30am. Classes will be FREE for the first 6 weeks.
Centre Manager Paul Francis was keen to demonstrate the equipment along with other staff members. The Mayor of Royston Councillor Lisa Adams tried out the equipment and was very impressed.
This new facility has everything from climbing equipment, kettlebells, TRX’s, straps and more. North Herts Councillor Steve Jarvis who is an executive member of environment, leisure and green spaces along with Hannah Young, Leisure Officer for North Herts District Council told us they had been awarded funding by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund as part of the Government’s levelling up initiative to assist people to improve their health and wellbeing.
They would like the community to come and get involved and kickstart a new fitness regime. Any queries please call the Centre on 01763 255190. Royston Radio are looking forward to broadcasting regular health and fitness updates from Royston Leisure Centre in the very near future so make sure you’re listening in !
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