A little celebration for our Community Radio Station.
Our thanks go out to all the team who dedicate their time and effort each week and who have made this a huge success in such a short space of time.
A big shout out to the Deputy Mayor of Royston, John Rees for thanking us on behalf of the community. Although not feeling 100% the Mayor of Royston popped in for a chat. Get well soon Lisa !
We wanted to thank our dedicated volunteer Lee Poulton who raised so much money for the station selling raffle tickets come rain or shine at our many events this year. You are amazing !
Last, but not least we want to thank YOU, the listeners who have been there to support us every step of the way
The Director hopes the growth of the station into 2024 will offer a voice to the community and continue to showcase events, projects, groups and businesses. Can we help your group ? Get in touch with us at info@roystonradio.com.
Thanks for listening in !
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